Reading the article was hard enough with out the constant loop of the animations that looked like some 60's tv show. the article was about some one who was able to purchase, animated, and uploaded to the internet. the article stressed the importance of preserving the past in order to look to the future, or at least that's my impression.
The article contuse to talk about the phenakistoscope and the zonetrope witch we already covered in class what I did find interesting was is hoe the person got it onto the computer. according to the article he converted his already existing files and converted them into GIF format the posted them on Tumblr account. The article goes on to say how artists really value the use of these old-timey effects and how an artist began 2 years ago posting the animated GIFs every week till now. He did this by photographing each picture in the sequence and then sequencing them in Photoshop. "The most difficult part" Duffy says "is the timing" he of corse is referring to the 24 frames per second standard and how if its to fast it looks blurry and to slow and it doesn't work.
I thought the devil picture was cool it reminded me of the devil's tutorial in Bioshock and the old-timey feel to it. Lastly I agree with the article on the idea that the creator was on drugs when he made this, no sober person make something that weird.
My question "we don't have to do those do we?"
Haha, nice blog entry! Your comments were entertaining ^^ Keep up the good work!